$40,000 Blooming Blossoms MiniBac Tournament
Golden Nugget Biloxi
Prize Pool:
- $20,000 cash for the first-place winner.
- Assumed that the remaining winners will receive promo chips or free play, as in past events. Promo chips can typically be converted to free play by the friendly and accommodating staff at the sign-up desk.
Content Disclaimer: The contents herein are a summary of rules and details, part from the recent GN Biloxi mailout on this specific event and some from past observations and written rules distributed at a previous MiniBac tournament at GN Biloxi, some of which may not apply to this event.
Entry Details:
- $100 Buy-in / $100 Re-buy(s) (while seats are available).
- Buy-in starts at 12:00 PM.
- Tournament play begins at 1:00 PM.
Tournament Structure:
- 192 max players.
- 36 players advance to the semi-final table (32 from play, 4 from wild card draw).
- 6 players at the final table.
- $10,000 starting tournament chips.
- 15 hand rounds with a countdown after the 10th hand.
- 1 winner from each preliminary round advances to the semi-final table.
- No commission charged in tournament play.
- A secret bet must be made and can be placed on any hand.
- No max bet throughout all rounds.
- $100 min. bet on tie bet.
- $100 min. bet in preliminary rounds.
- $500 min. bet in semi-finals and final rounds.
Cautionary Notes:
- Be aware of possible table number movement in later rounds – In at least two recent instances of a table number being moved from one table to another, we assume without a player assigned that table number being adequately informed of the change – In both cases the player was disqualified for late arrival.
- If the “English language only” or “no coaching by spectators” provisions are still in the rules for this particular event, should any player or spectator be in violation you should be able to ensure the rule is enforced by notifying the dealer and if it is still ignored request floor personnel to take corrective action, according to all applicable rules.
- Always review the rules thoroughly. If you have any questions or need clarification before or during competition, ask the floor or tournament director directly. This could help you avoid costly surprises for yourself and ensure that the dealer isn’t put in a position where their answer might not be supported by their superior.